Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I told you so (well, no, not really)

Buggering hell - I knew Brown was going to cut taxes today. I told a friend that he was going to cut both income tax and corporation tax, and now he has - what easier step is there to shore up his new Labour credentials. Sadly I've been faffing around too much to write something on the blog, so now I have lost a golden opportunity to feel smug and self-important.

I have to say though, that it wasn't the most fluid delivery and he seemed to lose his place and trip over his words more than normal. Still much better than Cameron who was awfully vague and meandering.


At 9:24 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

Yes - delivery not so great...

Have learnt to wait to read the whole budget, not simply what Brown has announced - so will wait to see.

Was surprised he cut the basic rate of tax, but abolishing the 10p rate is a backward step - the marginal rate, including what happens to tax credits and benefits, has gone up.....

Also the caveats on who qualifies for the that rate of corporate tax means many small businesses don't qualify.

I enjoyed Cameron's speech - did like the references to Stalin - that one will run and run....

Campbell was pedestrian and dull.

At 4:44 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

More to the point you should have got yourself down the bookies and put some cash on it. Could have funded your gentleman of leisure lifestyle a bit longer!


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